What’s your favourite winter warmer?


We had a long weekend up north and it’s been a bit of a shock coming back to proper winter. As I snuggle back into regular life, I’d like to know what things you do to cosy up the winter days.

I love having something hot for breakfast when it’s cold out. Lately, I’m making blueberry and banana muffins. Somehow, cold smoothies and lukewarm toast just don’t cut it. But a hot, fluffy muffin and a cup of tea? Now you’re talking! Especially when it’s dark and cold out.

Then, there’s hot drinks. Pots and pots of tea. The occasional coffee on tired days. Hot chocolates with whipped cream … It’s all so comforting when the winter chill is in the air. I wrote last year about the perfect book and drink pairings for winter. I might have to come up with a few more to try this year!

And at the end of the day, nothing beats a snuggly blanket on the couch with a good show and a cuddly husband.

So, tell me: what’s your favourite winter warmer?

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