What are your little moments of joy?

It’s Friday and I want to just share some little things that have been giving me joy recently. After murderous Greek plays and more pragmatic renovation posts, it’s nice to just revel in some little happy things.

The joy of a freshly painted room


I’ve almost finished painting the whole house. So proud of that, given we’re just shy of four months of living here.

Every time I sit in the lounge and watch the sunshine play over those smooth white walls that showcase the art so well, I smile. I’ve been wandering into the hallway and the guest bedroom just to enjoy how clean and fresh it seems. The walls that were once covered in holes, flaked paint and so much dirt are now so warm, bright and smooth. Combined with the new flooring, it just makes my heart sing.

The beauty of living room flowers


I’m also loving a little pot of hyacinths that I have growing on the coffee table. I bought them on whim and have been very pleased. They’re growing gangbusters in the sunlight that streams through the windows each afternoon. Their white towering flowers look just gorgeous against the reds, blues and whites of the lounge. And their elusive scent catches you every now and then with a delightful little burst of sweetness. I would highly recommend getting some bulbs going indoors, if you have the sunlight for it.

Happy little hot chocolates


Of course, there are books and cups of hot chocolate in the evening too. If you want inspiration, I’ve got a few drink and book pairings here. I tend to go through phases with my mugs, with changing favourites. Right now I’ve got a grey one that is just the right shape for cupping both hands around. Whether it’s full of peppermint tea or the aforementioned hot choc, holding this mug has definitely given me a little snippet of joy in the evenings.

Light in the darkness


Lastly, there’s the little sailing boat lamp that sits in the lounge. I turn it on in the mornings and sit down on the couch to pray with just it’s warm little glow for light. I find it easier to focus that way. There’s something about a dim, warm room with just enough light to make the icons sparkle that brings you a little closer to the divine. My husband’s grandfather made him the lamp and I love that personal story behind what is such a lovely and useful piece. While it’s hard to get up on a dark morning, knowing I’ll sit quietly with the little boat lamp certainly helps.

What things have been bringing you joy? Let me know in the comments!

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