Wow, guys! Week three already. I feel like August is flying now that I’m getting out of the run and taking on this challenge. That said, we’ve had a week of gorgeous weather here, so it feels more like the first month of spring than the last month of winter. (If you’re new here, you can start with week one and two, or jump right in here.)
How did we all go with adding the night routine to the morning one? Hopefully you’re new night routine actually helped you stick to your morning one. It definitely helped me, having the oats already soaking in the pan each morning, and having gotten to bed on time. Again. there was at least one morning and one evening when things didn’t go to plan, but that’s life.
I hope you’re all finding some improvements in your mood, health and productivity through this challenge. Having a good routine to bookend your day is pretty key. This week we’re adding just a little challenge, given you’ve taken on two pretty big adjustments over the last two weeks.
This week, take time to take stock

As we push over half way, now is a good time to revisit those routines and see if they’re still working for you. Do they need to be changed to serve you better? You can always scribble on your print out or start fresh. Remember, this is meant to be helping you to feel better and be able to help others more easily.
For example, I’ve found that 6:20am is the perfect time for me. My initial 6am time was just too ambitious, but 6:20 gives me exactly the time I need to both sleep and start the day right. On the other hand, the phone rules I put in my night routine are working a treat, so I’m sticking with those.
Take on a small challenge

Super open ended? Yep. I want you to think of something small that challenges you. Whatever that is. I’m going to take on push ups. I’ve always hated push ups, mostly because I can’t do many of them. But they are super good for core and upper body strength, something I really need to work on.
Rather than trying to smash out twenty right from the start, I’m going to start day one by doing as many properly as I can. Then, I’ll add one more the next day and every day after that. Adding one push up to the five I could probably do right now isn’t a huge deal. It doesn’t take a lot of time or energy. But if I stick to it, soon I’ll be flying through sets of 30 without a qualm.
That’s just my example, you’re welcome to do anything you like. Perhaps it’s learning calligraphy or how to make the perfect sponge. This week, select your challenge and add it into your day along with the routines. Preferably, this will be something you can do beyond the last two weeks. So perhaps reconsider the sponge suggestion, unless you’ll send some to me?