Week three of the gratitude challenge

Into the last week of the challenge already! I hope you’ve been finding it useful, I know I have certainly been discovering more about myself over the last few weeks. In case you missed it, I did manage to squeak in the week two post, although it was a day late. So, without further ado, let’s get into how things are going and what we’ve got lined up for this week.

This challenge is helping me re-calibrate

Now, I can’t pretend that I have become an uncomplaining saint. Nor, should I say, did I ever expect or want to be. I did, however, want to reduce unnecessary whinges and realise when I really do need to vent.

After these last two weeks, I’ve certainly found some improvement. When I don’t indulge in a grump session over the lesser inconveniences, I find them less grueling and am more cheerful as a result. I have found that this challenge re-calibrated my complain-o-metre quite a bit already. I’m hoping that the next week will push these improvements along.

This week, notice what you want to complain about

Never complaining isn’t the final aim. I don’t think bottling up all our negative emotions is healthy. But that’s not to say we can’t find a balance between complaining too much and not enough. This week’s challenge is aimed at helping us reach that balance.

This week, take time to reflect on what you want to complain about. Is it your job? A particular element of housework? Is there a person in your life you struggle with? Try to understand what things prompt complaints or irritation. Then go a step further, and ask yourself why these things annoy you. There may be something you can do to fix these issues, proactively rather than complaining without action.

There will always be things that we can’t fix or avoid which will annoy us. We may have to learn to get on with things and might need a genuine vent occasionally. But often there may be something we can do to improve the situation. Have a think and see what you come up with!

How are you finding the challenge? Any proactive things you’ll be doing to find the balance? Let me know in the comments.

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