War & Peace beings, plus a bonus book


I’m approaching the end of my 20 new books, folks. I have three left, including the massive tome, War & Peace. Rather than leaving it to the end, I embarked on it now. Hopefully I can cruise to the end with the final two books. I’ve also added a bonus book to the list!

Because it’s such a whopper, I’ve decided to do reviews for the ‘parts’ of War & Peace. There are fifteen parts, plus two epilogues. I’m going to review them in sets of five sets of three, with the two epilogues bundled together at the end. I’ll also add a general overview of the book with that last one. Thanks to my new morning reading routine, I’m already into Part Three, so I’ll have that first review for you next week. If I can finish the last 33 closely-printed pages in time …


Given that I’m making good progress, I’ve decided to add a bonus book to the list. This one was recommended to me and I’m very intrigued. Games People Play by Eric Berne is all about the psychological games that we all play. It covers how to recognise when other people are playing games with you, and what game you’re playing too. Apparently it was quite a seminal work, so I’ll see what that has to offer.

In other news, I’m off on a little holiday to warmer climes this weekend. I shall pull together a little travelogue when I get back. As much as I love winter cosiness, I am looking forward to a bit of tropical sunshine.

What book are you reading right now? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. […] I am about to enjoy the first weekend at home for just under a month and I can’t wait to get through a few ‘to dos’. One of them is going to be doing some small furniture renovations with leftover paint I have. Hopefully my shabby side table will look beautiful and fresh by Sunday night. I’ll also be pushing on through my latest book. […]

  2. I am reading Clouds by Aristophanes!

    1. Sounds like another of the great classics there. You’ll have to tell me how it goes! Would you recommend it?

  3. […] I mentioned before, I was feeling confident enough to add an extra book to my list of 20 for this year. Mostly because I’m finding War & Peace a much easier read […]

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