This old feast day is a great excuse to party


Tomorrow is Epiphany, when traditionally people celebrated the end of the 12 days of Christmas and marked the day that the three wise men arrive to great baby Jesus. While it may have fallen out of fashion, this old feast day is a great excuse to party.

What is this Epiphany thing you speak of?

excuse to party

The Epiphany of Christ, is a feast held to mark the visit of the three wise kings to Jesus in many Christian traditions. Usually, this feast was marked by a large celebration to wrap up the end of the Christmas season.

Epiphany parties could get pretty massive. Parades and street parties were held (and still are in some places). Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night to add to the festivities (as you do). In some countries, this is when people received their Christmas presents, remembering the gifts of the wise kings of gold, frankincense and myrrh. I’m not sure I could wait that long!

Sadly, the tradition of sending off Christmas with an Epiphany party has fallen out of fashion. However, I think it’s a great way to finish the festivities and go forth into the new year with excitement and joy. It’s also a nice way to reflect on our generosity to others and how we might improve on it.

How to celebrate with an Epiphany party

Honestly, you can celebrate however you like. That said, I like to borrow from previous traditions. There’s such a rich trove of sweet ideas in the past.

One of my favourites is the galette des Rois, or King’s Cake from Northern France. It’s a delicious puff pastry creation, stuffed with frangipani filling. There’s also a little trinket inside. A broad bean was placed in the cake, and whoever got it became king or queen of the evening. The bean could be a blessing or a curse. In some places you got to boss all the other guests for the evening, while in others you had to pay for the party!

I suggest a lovely dinner which features this cake and the all-important bean. Place a golden paper crown on the cake, and whoever finds the bean gets to be crowned. You could then play a variation of truth or dare, or perhaps have a little talent show in which everyone must entertain the new monarch.

However you celebrate, I highly recommend marking the day. Get all the goodness out of the Christmas season and enjoy time with your loved ones as you prepare to launch into the new year for good.

What do you think? Willing to give an Epiphany party a go? I mean, do you need really need an excuse to party?

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