The number one thing busy people should do

nature journal

Despite being only four working days, this week has felt particularly hectic. I feel rushed from pillar to post by work, social and life admin commitments. At some points, I’ve definitely felt like I’m going a little spare. I wrote a little bit about this last week, as well.

I am someone who hates to see a job undone. I love a completed checklist. The feeling that I haven’t accomplished a goal or a duty can be difficult for me. This can push me to achieve great things. It can also be a nightmare of stress which is not fun for me or those who have to live with me!

south coast

The answer to not going entirely crazy, has been forcing myself to take time. I have to intentionally remind myself to put aside time to pray, read or go for a walk. These things are restorative, but they’re easy to push aside. Lately, I’ve made an effort to leave my evenings with my husband phone and task free. We just watch silly shows and joke about what we’re watching. It’s great bonding time and all my stress melts away when I just sit there ‘wasting time’. Occasionally, I get up early to meet a friend for coffee before work starts. Those little moments are so precious and very restorative.

Take the time for yourself. Protect it ruthlessly. Honestly, the world will go on turning without you for an hour while you take a bath. No one is going to die if you actually sit down to have a cup of tea and read a book for 20 minutes. Hey, tell work you’re finishing at 5pm and actually do it. You’re not as crucial as you think, and that’s a super good thing.

Try it. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel. And how much more productive you become.

Are you good at giving yourself time off? How do you unwind?

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