The most gorgeous place to stay in the Adelaide Hills

While the reason we’re in South Australia right now is anything but happy, we’re still finding ways to bring joy to this strange time. Recently, my husband surprised me with an early wedding anniversary trip to what is quite possibly the cutest place I’ve ever stayed.

Morialta Barns is the rustic getaway of your dreams

Isn’t it dreamy? The Barns were originally built around 1847, as part of the estate of John Baker, a noted farmer and politician from Adelaide. Recently, they have been renovated and turned into a gorgeous B&B.

We stayed at The Well Room, which sits over the actual well that still supplies water to the property today. I had a momentary qualm thinking about the giant hole underneath us, but not for very long. There’s also The Loft, which caters to two people, or The Bakery which sleeps up to six if you have a bigger group.

Our experience

We arrived just as the sun was setting and were greeted by Steve, who owns and manages the property. He took us to our room and explained the fireplace. He was very friendly, and we saw him every day of our stay when he checked in to drop off more firewood or to farewell us as we were heading off.

A continental breakfast was provided, which included some absolutely perfect apple muffins. I’m still reliving that moist, spicy experience. Steve also left us a bottle of the Barn’s own shiraz, which was a nice touch.

Everything was provided, right down to a cheese board and knife which definitely came in handy. The one thing that tripped me up was the absence of an iron. I packed a super wrinkled skirt, planning to iron it there, so when there was no iron I was caught on the hop. That said, it’s a tiny flaw and not something that affects many people these days #polyester.

It’s also worth noting that The Barns does not allow big wedding parties with professional photographers. They’re focused on creating a calm, family-friendly atmosphere, so Hen’s dos don’t match the vibe. However, if you’re a quiet group with no intention to party hard, you might be alright. Best to check with Steve before you book.

Things to do while you’re up there

While The Barns are so cosy you won’t want to leave, there’s plenty around to make it worth your while. On our trip we went for foodie experiences, with some gentle nature walks thrown in.

First, we visited Morialta Falls, which offers a range of walks and hikes. On this trip we did a few walks up to and around the falls themselves, but there’s plenty of choice. You could easily spent the better part of the day hiking through the craggy hills. We saw koalas, kangaroos, kookaburras, so you’re getting all your classic Aussie animals in one place. Oh, and a suicidal duck who liked to swim on the very edge of the waterfall.

If you want something a bit more lush, there’s the Mount Lofty Botanical Gardens. Rolling down the eastern side of Adelaide’s highest mountain, the gardens are full of colour, especially in early spring. There’s car parking for a small fee at the top and bottom of the gardens, which close at 4pm each night.

For those looking for food there’s Loebethal Bakery, Melba Chocolate Factory and The Cheese Factory all within a short drive of each other. We also ended the day with dinner at The Scenic Hotel. It has the most amazing view between the mountains to Adelaide city and the ocean beyond. The staff got us a table outside to watch the sunset, before taking us into a cosy spot near the open fire. The menu is delightful, with a focus on organic and locally grown produce. I can heartily recommend the Carnaroli risotto.

More information on the most gorgeous place to stay in the Adelaide Hills

Morialta Barns are listed on, where you can find more information and lots more gorgeous photos. After the year we’ve had, I know everyone could use a holiday. It’s also great to be able to support these smaller Aussie businesses wherever you can. Just in case you needed another reason to treat yo’self.

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  1. […] checked them out, and it turns out that Etikette is an Australian business run out of the Adelaide hills. They’ve got other candle scents out there, including ‘Otways’ which intrigues me […]

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