News flash: playing in the garden is good for you

Over the weekend, my husband and I decided on a whim to head out of the city and drive down the Mornington Penninsula a little way for lunch and a ramble. It was an excellent whim, if I do say so myself.


The road trip itself was fun, giving us a chance to chat while watching the city melt into rolling green hills with nary an apartment block in sight. But when we got to Ashcombe Maze and started exploring their mazes and lavender rows I really felt the tension ease.


Gardens are havens from stress


It’s not new knowledge that spending time in nature is good for us. Various studies have shown that time spent in the great outdoors benefits our stress levels, blood pressure and mood. But living in an apartment in the city means I have to make a conscious effort to get out in the green. Interestingly, you need to be in nature for 120 minutes a week (in a lump or spread) to receive the benefits according to one large study.


Our day trip to Ashcombe Maze saw us spend over two hours wandering through manicured hedges, rambling through a wood and discovering violets hidden in the fallen leaves. We strolled through the lavender labyrinth and got mesmerised by the trickling stream that ran through the farm. I won’t say that all my problems were suddenly solved. But some of the tension was certainly eased. 


Just absorbing the beauty of nature and marvelling at its variety was enough to take my mind off myself and my worries. The lavender scone and fantastic burger I had for lunch may also have helped, but who can say. Very happy to take part in a study on that, if anyone is looking for subjects.


Playing isn’t just for the kiddos


We weren’t just walking around a garden, we were solving puzzles together. There were no serious discussions. We were too busy trying out different routes, hunting for the mosaic tiles we needed to ‘collect’ and trying to cross huge mud puddles in order to escape. As a side note, the puddle was not officially part of the maze, butwe enjoyed the steeplechase vibe.


When was the last time you played? It’s seriously good for you and your relationships. Again, that isn’t new information but it’s worth repeating. Play with your loved ones! It bonds you with fun experiences and relieves tension which all help make you feel more connected. Same goes for parent/child and friend relationships. Giving each other celebratory kisses as we shared mock relief at our maze escape brought back the fizzy joy of our early dates.


Go forth and play in the garden


If you really needed an excuse to get into the great outdoors, this is it. Go forth and explore a maze! Visit a strawberry farm. Wander through a botanical garden. If you have a garden of your own, go spend some time in it. Don’t let the weather get you down. Go forth and reap the benefits of creation (and/or a lavender scone, results may vary).

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