Lord Edgware Dies is such a nice little murder

lord edgware

Book 17 of the 24 in 2024 challenge is another Agatha Christie because I am an addict and this is my blog, so you’re just going to have to deal. But if you’ve stuck around this long, you’re probably ok with the Christie overload. So, without further ado, I give you Lord Edgware Dies.

Plot summary

The beautiful actress, Lady Edgware, has announced to the world that she wants her husband dead. But then he is found murdered and she’s the prime suspect. Poirot must unravel a complicated set of motives to uncover the true murderer and save innocent lives from being utterly destroyed.

Lord Edgware Dies is a nice little murder

lord edgware

This mystery had a few interesting twists throughout, but I think you can work it out relatively easily if you engage your brain while reading. However, if you just want to read and enjoy the story, you’ll have a nice little surprise at the end. It is not one of the most ingenious or tangled webs that Christie has spun, but it’s clever, careful and very good reading.

I must admit that I read this without too much brain engagement! We’re deep in winter, and I just wanted something light and cosy to read. On dark morning train rides and tucked up in bed with just my bedside lamp on, this book kept me company through a week of dreary July, and I very much appreciate it for that. And when you only read lightly, the mystery really does keep you guessing, even if it’s only because you haven’t tried very hard.

But don’t we all need a book like that from time to time? Something to lift the spirits and take us off to an imaginary land where we consort with the rich and famous. Wearing fabulous 1930s outfits while solving crimes with the brightest brain in the world. As Poirot himself would say, mais oui!

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