
As I sit at home, my fringe drying in a frizzy mess after a wet tramp, I want to write a little in praise of walking. Sometimes it’s a short walk, squeezed in before work or over lunch. At other times it’s a long ramble and those are always the best.

Each season adds its own element to walks. I love spring mornings, when you can smell that it will be a nice day, or walking in the warm, lingering summer evening. There is both pleasure and pain in the crisp cold of autumn and winter walks. Sometimes it’s even nice to get rained on.

Something about moving my body helps me move my mind as well. I’m sure it’s a well studied phenomenon. But I just know it works. When I need to talk about things, it can be easier to do it while walking with someone. You’re focused on the conversation, but also a little removed from it. I find it gives me space to think as we talk, in a different way to seated conversation.

Sometimes, things are overwhelming and I just need to move. I call it a rage walk (although it’s usually not about actual rage at all). I go by myself and I walk quickly. During this speed walk, I let my mind roam over whatever is bothering me. Occasionally, I find a solution. Mostly though, I just come back feeling a little more sane.

The simplicity of a walk is everything.


Walking is just so darn basic and I love it. No gear required. You don’t have to be super fit or change your clothes to do it. It’s free. A walk can be as long as you want it to be and you can do it anywhere. It’s meditative or social as the moment requires. Walking is also useful. You can walk to the shop to get milk, or the post box to send of a letter.

When everything feels overwhelming, you can almost always convince yourself to go for a walk. And once you do, things get better. Perhaps not immediately. Not in a blast of light. You just come home with a tiny corner of peace unfolded in your mind. The space to face your challenge.

Some beauty will catch you whenever you walk, if you look for it. A ruby red leaf underfoot. A waft of honeyed air as a spring wind runs through a flowering tree. Someone’s beautiful garden or happy child. Never underestimate the small joy of seeing a cute dog while walking. Squeezing hands with your husband as you walk. Sunshine.

All so little and so precious.

All because you went for a walk.

Walking is only as mundane as you make it

first home

I know. This is all incredibly obvious. We walk all the time, getting from A to B. It’s a mundane part of life. In a sense, yes. But I think it’s only as mundane as you make it. It’s a moment of peace from pressing tasks, a place to let your mind roam over new ideas or lie silent. You can bond with your loved ones, explore your neighbourhood and pray. Need exercise and don’t feel you have time for the gym or all the bother of a run? All you have to do is get outside and go for a walk. Leave your screens behind and reap the benefits of time in nature.

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