If you made a career change, what would it be?


I should preface this post by saying that I’m not planning on quitting my current career. Now is not the time for drastic changes. But I do spent plenty of time daydreaming about what I’d do if I had the ability to pick a new job based solely on what I enjoy, rather than on practicalities.

Because they’re daydreams, my career change ideals are usually not very realistic. I’d love to become a writer. Squirrel myself into a charming country cottage and write from my garret office, a la Jo March.

Or perhaps I could become an interior designer and make beautiful homes for people (living vicariously through their enormous budgets).

Maybe I could start a flower farm on my (nonexistent) block of land and sell home grown honey from my bee hives along with organic bouquets.

They’re lovely daydreams. Maybe one day I will fulfil one or perhaps little bits of all of them. But I’m interested to know, what would you do if you were making a career change? Do you have a daydream job, or something a little closer to heart that you’d like to achieve?

Let me know in the comments! Would you swap careers?

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