Here’s exactly how to nail your home decor

Have you ever looked around your house and felt that something was missing? Everything is tidy, you’ve nailed the coffee table books and your furniture layout is on point. But something feels missing from the room to make it really pop. Of course, you can’t always run out and buy another throw cushion every time you’re home feels a little flat. So what’s a girl to do?

Enter: fresh flowers

A vase of flowers, however simple, has the magical ability to make any room look better. I have always found that some fresh flowers, or even a branch of greenery will give new life to the home. There are also so many flower to chose from! Each season has its own charming species, from winter jonquils to autumn dahlias.

I don’t know what it is about flowers. They really can spruce things up. I love looking at them throughout the day, or re-arranging them a little as they spread. If you’re looking for a way to add a little splash of colour and personality to your home, flowers are the perfect answer.

The best place to buy flowers

You can grab flowers from your local supermarket, but I’ve often found the variety and longevity sadly lacking. Florists are much better, but also a far pricier option. I have found that getting flowers at a farmer’s market is usually the best way to find the balance between quality and price.

Flower stalls at farmer’s markets usually have a wide variety as well. Temptingly arranged in their buckets, it’s hard to resist the gorgeous blooms. That said, you don’t need a huge bouquet to make an impact. Buying a large bunch of one flower or a few smaller groupings that work well together will do the trick.

Of course, the downside with cut flowers is they don’t usually go for more than a fortnight. So what can you do if you want the benefit of greenery without constantly spending on the darlings?

Pot plants are your budget besties

Get a pot plant! If you’ve got even the slightest green thumb you can get some potted colour blooming in your living room all year long. You will need to give more thought to how much sunlight you get, how hot or cold your home is and how well suited a particular species is for indoor pots.

I have a lovely red cyclamen that sits in my cold kitchen and grows happily. The dark secret is that this is actually my third cyclamen. I killed the first by not giving it enough light. I killed the second by getting it far too hot and humid. Third time’s a charm. I’ve done my research and realised they prefer a cold room with plenty of indirect sunlight and not too much water.

Obviously it’s far easier to spruce things up with cut flowers, but if you are willing to invest the time pot plants are a great option for year-round enjoyment. Or you could do what I do, and find excuses to have both pot plants and fresh flowers sprinkled about the house every other month.

Do you have a weakness for flowers? What’s your favourite?

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  1. […] to my husband, as I’m still struggling to pull myself out of my own grief. Being away from my own space for what could be many months is also difficult. Mental health appointments will have to be done […]

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