Have a great weekend!


I’ve been hustling away to make sure that I don’t miss any blog posts next week so I am super keen for the weekend! We’re having some friends over for afternoon tea and I’m hoping to get in some long walks if the weather holds good.

A few things have been bringing the joy this week. My new morning routine is one of them and I could not be more surprised by that. My plan is actually working, what is this?! Keep an eye out for Monday’s post for the next step in that morning person challenge.

I’m also loving all the autumn leaves around my neighbourhood. It honestly is so uplifting to see all the vibrant colour popping out along the street, on the footpath and in people’s gardens. I can’t wait to have a garden of my own and just fill it with deciduous trees! Perhaps I’ll sneak out for a leaf looking trip at one of these places.

What’s something you’ve loved this week? Anything on for the weekend?

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