
Restrictions have eased here, so I’m looking forward to travelling around the state and seeing people again. I’ve been working through some ideas for future post ideas, which I hope you’ll like. I’m loving the chance winter brings to get cosy with pots of tea and dark chocolate while I write and re-organise my wardrobe.

Speaking of tea, how darling is this set?

Anyone else relate to the below?

In case you missed it, I’ve written a bit about how important friends and family are. Go and see them this weekend (or give them a call)!

I could never live in a studio apartment, but I love seeing how other people manage. Some cute ideas here.

Curtain bangs: aye or nay? I kind of like them, but then I wonder if we’re all just getting break-up cuts after the wild ride that was 2020. Can you break up with a year? I’m willing to give it a try.

TTFN darlings!

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