Four charming children’s books you are guaranteed to love

Did you have a favourite book as a kid? Something you were always asking someone to read to you? What about when you were old enough to read by yourself? I was slow to get into reading, but once I did I became a voracious book worm.

Recently I read the Mary Poppins series again, after what feels like a billion years. So good! Did you know the original Mary Poppins was actually a bit of a vain grump? It’s so British and far more believable (no shade on Julie Andrews though). Anyway, that prompted me to think back through some of my favourite childhood books.

No matter what your age, I think a trip down memory lane with classic children’s books is a great way to get your nostalgia kick. Even better if you’ve got kids of your own or are hoping to one day. You can use them as an excuse to read these sweet little books!

The Brambly Hedge series

Follow the mice of Brambly Hedge through their seasonal adventures in this gorgeous series by Jill Barklem. The illustration in these books is to die for. Everything about them is so sweet and detailed. The stories themselves are equally charming. These are great read aloud books, as long as everyone can see the pictures!

I loved these as a kid, and still do. I just love looking at the details and finding new little Easter eggs with each read. If you’re already a fan of this series, you might like to know that I’ve linked you to their website, where there is some ultra-cute merch available. Brambly phone case? Yes please.

Hitty: Her First Hundred Years

This one is probably for older children who are ready to read on their own. It’s also really fun to read yourself when you want something light and sweet to read. Follow the adventures of Hitty, a wooden doll, as she travels around the world and to various owners over 100 years from the mid-1800s to the around 1950.

There are pretty black and white illustrations throughout, but the writing is also high quality and the stories are charming and original.

Each Peach Pear Plum

Can you tell I have a thing for detailed illustrations? This creative little book blends several classic nursery rhymes into a sweet story, complete with charming illustrations that help tell the story as well.

If you enjoy this book, Janet and Allan Ahlberg also wrote and illustrated The Jolly Postman series. These follow a postman, and include letters you can take out of real envelopes to read. I adored this as a child, and to be honest I still love the effort that goes into these books today. There you go, two for the price of one. Maybe should have made this five books you’re guaranteed to love…

The Larklight Trilogy

Follow the delightfully illustrated steampunk adventures of Arthur and Myrtle Mumby as the bumbled about space to save the world.

Again, probably one for older readers or for reading aloud to six and ups but so worth it. Philip Reeves does an amazing job writing these, with original story lines, engaging plot twists and flickers of British humour. The drawings that go along with these are just fantastic and inspired my siblings and I in many black pen line drawings.

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