Flowers are the proof of Joy

New Year's resolutions

This week, I’ve been aching for a bit of garden. Spring is in the air and I long to be watching tulips and daffodils unfolding in a garden of my own. Flowers are just so delightful. Their very existence seems to me to be the proof of joy and overflowing love.

Flowers are so frivolous in their variety. Look at them closely. How varied are their silken petal formations. How vivid the colours! Up they pop and away they wither in a matter of weeks, and yet they are so intricately and beautifully made. I don’t see how anyone can not believe in joy when contemplating flowers.

It gives you a new perspective of God, looking at flowers. I think He made flowers out of sheer, overflowing happiness. I know they play a part in the ecosystem, and that each colour and shape is there to encourage pollinators or scare away predators. Flowers, in that respect, are very practical. But they could have achieved that without such wild abandon, don’t you think? Was the delightful scent of the jonquil entirely necessary for utilitarian purposes?

One day, I hope to have a garden replete with flowers of all kinds. Partly, this is because I harbour dreams of becoming a hobby apiarist and I’ll need for for my bees. But mostly, it is because I want to revel in the flowers of each season. I want to make sure I can never forget that joy and beauty are crucial for life.

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