Do you want to become a morning person?

morning person

I am not a morning person. I hate getting out of bed in the morning, especially in winter when it’s cold and dark. For me, the best thing is slowly waking up (preferably when it’s light out), pottering about and having a leisurely breakfast. Weekend mornings are great. Weekdays, well, that’s another story. And yet, I want to be a morning person.

Because there is something special about the quiet part of the morning before things really start for the day. When I am up early, I enjoy the peace. It gives me time to pray, exercise and eat slowly before work. While I hate getting up early, I can’t say I love the slightly rushed and groggy feeling I get from a short sleep in and a rush for work.

A morning person challenge

morning person

I was doing well during summer, when it was warm and bright around 6am. You might remember last winter, I managed to get myself to a 6:20am start with some consistency. It was a good time. But that time has passed and I’m back to struggling with mornings.

So, I’m starting a morning person challenge. I need some accountability to get me going. This is not something I can self-start on. Not yet, anyway. I’d like to invite you to join me on a four week challenge to make mornings more enjoyable. The idea is to find a rhythm in the morning that works for you and finds the balance between enjoyable and productive. I find that packing my morning time with ‘chores’ isn’t an encouraging way to start the day. But ‘enjoying’ a sleep in isn’t helping either. Let’s find the balance!

How it works

morning person

Each Monday, I’ll share a post on the area of morning-person-ness I’ll be focusing on. I’ll share what I’m doing and some suggestions on what might work for you. I won’t be proscribing things, because I know everyone is different. But hopefully these posts will provide a useful jumping off place for building your perfect morning.

As we progress, I’ll also reflect on what is and isn’t working. While I’ve got some ideas of what might be helpful, things might adapt as I actually try them out.

My goal is to be able to get up at 6am between five and seven days a week. Let’s see how we go. See you on Monday, folks!

Are you up for a morning person challenge? Let me know in the comments.

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  1. […] we are, week one of the morning person challenge. I hope you’re all pumped to do some early rising with me! I’m actually feeling a bit […]

  2. […] the first week of this challenge, we looked at why we prefer to hit snooze, rather than popping out with the lark. For me, it was […]

  3. […] The final week is here. I mean, it was meant to be last week, but … life. So this week, we’re summing up what we’ve been working on, whether it actually worked and looking at one more element to being a morning person. Right, let’s get into it shall we. […]

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