Do you like to cry to music?


Sometimes, I feel sadness or anger weighing on me. So, I turn on my saddest playlist, crank up the music and I let myself cry.

It is just such a cathartic experience for me. It also gives me a distinct time to experience that emotion. Instead of feeling sad all day, I can let it out for the length of a few songs, and then move on. Some of my current favourites are You’re Gonna Be Okay, Brave New Step and Rainbow.

Other times, I need to feel brave and inspired. I’ve got dramatic playlist for that too. There’s also a playlist called ‘pyjama dancing’ which is for exactly that. Even when I’m writing I like to listen to a song that taps into the emotion that I’m looking for in the post. There are also plenty of dinner-making kitchen dances. Especially during lockdowns, dancing in the house was an amazing mood booster.

It’s no secret that songs and sounds have a huge impact on us, I still find it interesting how different people use or react to music.

I’d love to know, do you ever get out your emotions (happy, dramatic or sad) with music? What do you listen to?

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