Carrying nothing is heavy



Infertility and pregnancy aren’t that far apart:

They both grow within you and press on your heart.

A baby grows heavier with time. Infertility does too.

They both change the way people treat you.


A baby will throw your plans into disarray,

Infertility does too, with more empty dismay.

It too, changes your love, sneaks into your bed.

These things get into everything, especially your head.


Heavy, emotional, tired and changed.

Fruitful and barren read the same thus arranged.

But one has an end to waiting and pain,

The other keeps you tracking forever in vain.


I imagined my Cross would have a physical shape,

I had no idea nothing could carry such weight.

But I trust He knows where this path will go,

And for now it’s the only carrying I know.

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