Can’t travel? This unique book will fulfil your wanderlust

fulfil your wanderlust

A few weeks ago, I was browsing a sweet little bookshop in the Adelaide CBD, and on whim decided to buy The Land of Maybe A Faroe Islands Year by Tim Ecott. Honestly, this book will fulfil your wanderlust in this time when travelling beyond state borders is a fraught undertaking. If you’re looking for something to while away a dull hour, I certainly recommend this book.

The relaxed prose gets you on island time

fulfil your wanderlust

I enjoyed the fact that this book took a relaxed approach. The words looped and flowed in a simple and enjoyable way. Reading it made me feel the what the rhythm of islands life might be light on these remote islands. If you’re looking for a fast paced travelogue, this isn’t it. This is a book to unwind with on a sunny Sunday afternoon. With summer on the way, it’s perfect.

Perhaps because I’m currently getting right into sustainable, slow living, I really enjoyed this approach. There were loops back into history, twists to local cooking tips and gentle eddies about the local bird life.

This book will fulfil your wanderlust

fulfil your wanderlust

It’s been a long time since we were able to freely travel. Even when we can, most of us won’t be jetting off to sub-antarctic islands. Reading this book is a great way to experience life in another country. Mind you, the Faroese place names are tongue-twisters, but I take that as adding the essential inconvenience of ‘travel’. 

I loved reading about the traditions and history of the islands. I’m a sucker for traditional lifestyles, where everything has meaning and communities gather together with to fix problems, celebrate wins and support each other through loss and disappointment.

In a time when we’re all living behind screens, I enjoyed reading about a culture where screens are only just starting to make themselves felt. Not that screens are all bad. And while living on a tiny, wind swept island might be a realistic, who says travel is about realism?

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