Advent: race to the finish or quiet journey?


The year is drawing to a close and with it comes the season of Advent. The four or so weeks before Christmas day are marked by a time of reflection as we prepare for the birth of the Christ Child. I love Advent and Christmas so much. The four weeks of preparation are a beautiful time, not to mention the fun of decorating for Christmas and preparing the delicious festive food.


This year, I’m looking forward to progressively decorating the house. By Christmas time, I hope that it will be full of fairy lights, nutcrackers and the odd bit of gingerbread. But I also hope that the people in the house will be full of peace, focus and a spirit of love for God and all the world. One will certainly be easier than the other, but I hope we’ll achieve both!

Find a way to make advent your own quiet journey


Originally, I was thinking of setting up an Advent challenge and sharing it with you all. But then, I realised that wouldn’t be in the spirit of what I wanted to achieve. Coming up with ideas and sharing them would be adding another thing to do during this busy time, which is the opposite of the point.

So, while I’m not doing a ‘challenge’, I did want to offer encouragement to you all. Find a way that makes Advent your own quiet journey to Christmas. Perhaps you decide to go without sweets for the next few weeks, thinking about those who are hungry in the world (and making enjoying them again on Christmas day all the better). If you pray, perhaps you will turn to prayer more often. Maybe you’ll try to do secret acts of kindness for others, like the Wise Kings.

Whatever works for you, really.

I know the end of the year can be terribly busy. There’s the rush at work before the holidays start. End of year parties, finding presents, preparing all the food and traveling to see family. Expectations from other people, or from yourself that you will always be doing. But, consciously aiming to make a time of reflection can help make Christmas, when it comes, all the more enjoyable. Not to mention taking some of the hecticness out of December. And once you’ve go there, don’t forget to embrace all the days of the season. Every. Single. One.

What do you do for advent? Do you celebrate it as the Catholics do, or perhaps another way?

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