
We were meant to be jetting off to visit in-laws this week, handing out Easter eggs, Mothers’ Day gifts and all that. But the only constant is change, so we’re not going now. Which means, unfortunately, I can’t write about how I fit amazing outfits into a little ole carry on. What a shame, hey!

Ah well, having a spare weekend certainly isn’t the worst thing in the world. Especially since the next two months are going to be absolutely hectic for us. I don’t think I have a spare weekend until July! How things have changed from the early pandemic days, when weekdays and weekends felt the same and my calendar was empty month on month.


I kind of miss that space. Not a lot, because it’s amazing to be able to see people and celebrate big life events with them in person. But there is a part of me that already misses the quiet space, to read, rest and get through life admin. It was stressful in it’s own way, of course. However, there was certainly something to be enjoyed in having more time to myself.

Certainly, it sparked a lot of creative endeavours. Sewing, blogging, drawing. Throwing out loads of stuff that I really didn’t need. It also gave you time to ponder ideas, to talk them through in a deeper way. The lack of social events forced me to delve into problems and ideas. Instead of being able to distract myself, I had to face things like anger and grief. Not fun. Not at all. Yet so, so necessary.

Seeing the relief I have in ‘getting back’ a weekend, makes me realise that I do need to plan in times of rest. Leaving a weekend, or even one day of a weekend free is important. It’s a little breathing space for me and my husband to do things we need to do, both together and as individuals.

How are you finding the return to ‘normal’? How did the change effect you?

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1 Comment

  1. […] I’ve definitely felt like I’m going a little spare. I wrote a little bit about this last week, as […]

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