A little life update


Hello everyone! I’m sorry for my almost month hiatus of writing here. I wanted to give you a bit of background on my absence and let you know that I will be back writing again shortly.

Where’d she go?

About the time I stopped writing, we had to race back to Adelaide to say goodbye to my father-in-law. He lost his fight with Motor Neuron Disease shortly after we got there. We were able to spend some more time with him and say goodbye. The end was peaceful and I’d like to say thank you to those of you who were praying for him over the last year and a half.

From there, life just got away from me. It’s been a whirlwind of travel, Christmas preparation and work commitments which has left me little time and energy to write. There were times when I tried to write a post, but they felt hollow and rushed. I realised if I didn’t want to read my own work, there was no way I should be pushing it onto all of you!

I’ll be back!

As we start to wrap up the year, I’m planning new content for 2022, which I hope you’ll all enjoy reading. I’ll be plugging away on things over the next few weeks, so you should be seeing some posts start to come through in the next couple of weeks. Posts I have planned include:

  • I’ve still got to update you on how that wedding guest dress went. Spoilers, I had to get it together in only one week in the end.
  • Christmas decoration inspiration (better late than never?)
  • New year plans and resolutions
  • More Aussie travel adventures

In the meantime, you can always check out a few of the other posts on the blog. If you’re looking for a summer read, I’ve got that covered. Need a snazzy party outfit? I got you girl. Or are you just looking to get away from the phone these holidays? Check out this list of screen free hobbies.

Thank you for your patience while I’ve been gone. I’m hoping that next year I’ll be able to bring more energy (and let’s be honest, forward planning!) to Waiting for Olives as we head towards our first year anniversary!

Thanks and Merry Christmas!


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