How to make your own wedding guest outfit: part 2

make your own

Here we are, one week in to my five week sewing time. I have yet to do any actual sewing, or for that matter, any fabric cutting. I like to think that my sewing projects are like great architecture. You have to do your groundwork first, laying the foundations, making sure your materials are right. Then, you can get moving. That’s what I tell myself anyway.

The hunt for the fabric begins

This is the first Spotlight trip for me in a very long time. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time wander through and really inhale the crafty atmosphere. I was on a mission! Luckily for me, there was a big 40-50% sale on fabrics which made my day. Given this pattern calls for several metres of fabric, this was definitely a lucky break.

I was almost immediately torn between a green patterned rayon and a ruby coloured sand-brushed satin. The hand feel of both was lovely, especially the brushed satin. Honestly, I was tempted to get some of both, but decided that the budget wouldn’t stretch that far.

Pose embarrassingly to ensure the colour suits you

This is absolutely a critical step. Don’t skip it in your pursuit of creating the perfect wedding guest outfit. A fabric can be beautiful in every single way, but if it doesn’t suit you, your outfit won’t really hit all the right notes. 

I’m not sure when Spotlight put mirrors in their shops, but I’m all for it. My only regret is that my fringe is doing weird things in this photo. But, that’s what we get when we commit to curtain bangs and running in the rain, hey ladies.

Decide it works for you and take it home in triumph

Success! I came home with the green fabric, deciding it met my brief. This will have good movement, and should feel cool enough for the dance floor. I also think it will keep this floor-length baby casual enough to wear to other events. I’m being very optimistic and expecting to have other events to go to in the next year or so. If not, I guess I can swish around in my living room for stay-at-home cocktails.

I threw the fabric in the wash. I’ve been caught out by rayon before, you definitely want to pre-shrink that stuff. The next step is going to be actually cutting out. I’m planning to add a cotton lining to the bodice for this one, using fabric from a past project.

Stay tuned for more updates in the adventures of making of the ’30s dress.

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