Want amazing hair while saving the planet? Meet Ethique.

swaps for a more sustainable

A while back, I was looking into ways to reduce plastic use in my house. One of the heaviest areas for single use plastic is definitely the bathroom, so I focused there. I knew that shampoo and conditioner bottles were a big waste, but I didn’t want to sacrifice amazing hair to achieve less plastic use. I had visions of greasy or claggy hair if I went for a non-plastic option. Then I found Ethique.

amazing hair

Image credit: Ethique

This New Zealand-owned brand makes solid shampoo and conditioner bars (among other things). The concentrated bars last longer than bottled shampoo, and really do give you soft, clean hair. This makes them a viable, cost-effective way to do a bit of good in your bathroom without committing to dreadlocks.

I started with a mini kit to test out the bars and was thrilled by the results. It takes a little while to get used to washing with a bar instead of liquid, but once you adapt it works just as well. I’ve recently purchased a full sized block of shampoo and conditioner, as well as a case to keep them in.

If you’re looking to reduce your plastic usage, check them out.

*This is not a sponsored post. I just like that I can keep my hair clean, save money and help reduce waste and wanted to share.

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