
Almost four years ago, I took the plunge and started Waiting for Olives. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted this blog to be about. I had no idea how well it would work or whether anyone would ever read it. However, I committed myself to writing it for at least three years. Amidst a tumultuous period of my life, I wanted to do something creative, something different.

Earlier this year, we passed the three year mark. Things have changed a lot in that time. I’ve come to terms with our struggle with infertility. The raw pain of losing my father is softening. We’re renovating the house we bought and enjoy the puppy antics of our Snowy. And with all this change, came a change in my approach to the blog.

A new era, slower and more offline


You’ve probably seen bigger gaps between posts. I’m just so busy! There are lots of things to do with the house, but not always ‘bloggable’ things. Renovating isn’t a fast process. Gardening isn’t a fast process. But I love both those things! It doesn’t generate content, but I find it a great way to spend my time (mostly!).

So, I’ve decided that it’s the end of an era. It’s time for Waiting for Olives to close, so I can devote more time to life off the screen. Closing the blog will also enable me to take a break (hopefully a permanent one) from Instagram as well. That’s not possible while promoting the blog, but it is something I’d really like to do, and have been thinking about for a while.

I will be finishing the 24 in 2024 challenge. I committed to it, and I’m only five books of the end. So there will be a few more posts still to come.

Thank you for reading all these years! It’s been great to share the struggles and joys of life with you, not to mention almost 100 book reviews! I am very glad that I gave this a go and stuck to my goal of writing regularly for the last three years. The blog has been a creative outlet during rental years in lock down. It’s been a way to release and process grief. And it’s been a good spur to my reading, helping me find new and interesting books to read through the challenges.

I hope that this blog has given you some inspiration, companionship and joy. If it has, I achieved more than I ever hoped with this little endeavor.

Enjoy the last five book reviews and then I hope you’ll go forth to live a wholesome and happy life.

All the best! Maddie

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1 Comment

  1. Very proud of you! Thanks for writing all these interesting articles over the last few years!

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