A book about a dog … who doesn’t die


I know this is a classic children’s book, but I’d never actually read it before. So, I decided that Lassie Come Home would be our 14th book in the 24 in 2024 challenge. With all the books and movies where the hero dog is killed, it’s nice to enjoy on where the hero canine makes it through.

Plot summary

Times are tough when the mine closes in the little town where Joe lives with his mother, father and their rough collie, Lassie. Desperate to put food on the table, his father sells Lassie to the local lord, who moves her up to his property in Scotland where he hopes she will become his top prize winning show dog.

Lassie, however, has other ideas. She escapes and begins the enormous journey from Scotland, back to the Greenall Bridge in Yorkshire. Along the way she have several near escapes and makes friends, both animal and human.

Sweet but not without its fair share of dog heartbreak


This is a really sweet book, showcasing the love of a boy for his dog, and vice versa. Surprisingly, it doesn’t sentimentalize the relationship between dog and humans, but shows it in a beautiful and realistic sense.

There is still some heartbreak, despite Lassie making it through. The pathos of one particular event is so well written, I think even adults might get a little teary reading. However, the rest of the book is a wonderful, if slightly improbable canine adventure through Scotland and back down to Yorkshire.

I can see why this is a classic, and recommend if for any child’s bookshelf. It’s well written, so the adult reading aloud should also enjoy the story. There are a few illustrations, but not many, so I would suggest that it’s for slightly older children, perhaps 8 – 12? Parents, let me know in the comments what you think.

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