There’s a new arrival at Waiting for Olives

new arrival

I hinted at this in the newsletter a few weeks back, and I am excited to share more about the new arrival Yes indeed, a little fuzzy puppy has joined our family!

He is an adorable little fluff bucket and I am head over heels for him. These first few weeks are full on as we toilet train, but he’s already so much fun. There’s probably not much more to say, but I wanted to share with the Waiting for Olives community because look at his little face!!

new arrival
new arrival

He’s so photogenic. I’m sure he’ll be cropping up in posts going forward. So now you know we haven’t kidnapped a dog for content purposes!

new arrival

Hopefully I’ll be able to keep the content flowing. But I might need to take time to get him settled in before we return to full programing. But we’ll see. So far he’s been a lovely little office and garden buddy.

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