Why this book is the comfort read you need


I officially completed the 23 in 2023 reading list. We started with The Case Against the Sexual Revolution and finished with A Gentleman in Moscow. Given With a few weeks left of the year, I’ve got a bonus book for us. And what a lovely little bonus book it is too. Read on to learn why this read is the literary version of a hot chocolate.

Plot summary

Our bonus book is Miss Buncle’s Book by D. E. Stevenson. Written in 1936, this light romance is set in the little town of Silverstream. Miss Buncle is in need of money, and to this end writes a book. The book is quickly picked up by a publisher, Mr Abbott, and is an instant best seller. But all is not unalloyed joy. For Miss Buncle’s book exposes the faults of her fellow villagers: she’s written them all into the story! Her neighbours are furious and set about unmasking the anonymous writer. Will Miss Buncle escape detection?

A book that feels like a cup of hot chocolate


This is the definition of a cosy light read. It’s not deep, and it won’t really surprise you. But is comforting and brings a sense of comfortable enjoyment. Much like a simple but perennially enjoyable hot chocolate. There is absolutely a place for books like this, and I certainly enjoyed my time with Miss Buncle’s Book.

The writing is delightful and the story unique enough to be interesting, while standard enough to give you a sense of familiar fulfillment. It’s written in the time it’s set (1930s England), and I appreciate the vintage flair. The book is well constructed from a grammar/sentence flow perspective. This might just be me, but I appreciate that. It’s not edgy or world shaking sentence structure. But it is correct and that makes it easy to read.

The story and the setting are charming and lighthearted. I happily followed the characters in their stories. All these characters felt like real people. This is no small feat, as I ranted about in my last book review.

Luckily, this is not D. E. Stevenson’s only book. She was actually quite a prolific writer, and I look forward to getting to know more of her delightful characters and sweet stories. With a cup of hot chocolate, of course.

What is your ‘hot chocolate’ read? Let me know in the comments!

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