How Do You Create A Unique Capsule Wardrobe? Part One

The idea of having a wardrobe where everything works with everything else intrigues me. I love the idea of having only a few items of clothing that I love wearing and from which I can create a variety of outfits. It seems so efficient and simple. But it also seems like a way to always feel effortlessly beautiful, while saving money and helping the environment. Win, win!

That said, I’ve struggled to figure out how best to pull together a wardrobe of such chameleon proportions. Over time I have been reducing what I own, while trying to buy versatile clothing. But I’m still a long way from having a capsule wardrobe. I often find myself staring at my clothes trying to figure out what to wear. This is especially common in winter, when it feels as if jeans and a jumper is the only outfit which is warm enough. I find I’m craving something more feminine.

So this year, I’m taking on the capsule wardrobe plan with real conviction. My aim is to build a small collection of clothes that will allow me to create multiple outfits for a variety of activities and seasons. I want to build this from what I already have and the careful purchase of a few items to add flexibility. When purchasing, I’m going to focus on taking my time to be sure this item is what I need and, where possible, buying from an ethical brand.

Step one: Assess

Previously, I’ve started capsule wardrobes by de-cluttering and getting rid of things that I didn’t think I wore often. However, that didn’t necessarily help me figure out what I needed or what items I really loved. Sometimes I even went shopping straight after because I felt I had nothing to wear after a ruthless clear out!

To avoid that, I’m starting with an assessment of what I already own. I’m using the Cladwell app to help me catalog my wardrobe and get a sense of how my current wardrobe works. The process for uploading is really easy, and they even have a style quiz, if you’re looking for guidance on that.

Step two: Plan

The next step is to come up with a plan which will help me transition to a versatile capsule wardrobe. My aim is to get everything to go with everything else. No matter what items I pick, I know they come together as a great outfit. I was inspired in this after going down a rabbit hole of Wonder Wardrobe videos. I really love the approach Daria takes, but am not keen to spend $400 for her classes!

That said, this is a pretty big undertaking. However, by starting slow, I think it will be achievable. My plan will look at my style and colours, as well as my lifestyle, budget and local weather. At the end of the planning stage, I hope to have a clear understanding of the specific items I need to add to my wardrobe and what things I can donate.

A word on numbers

A lot of capsule wardrobes have a set number that you’re aiming for. I’ve seen numbers ranging from 44 to 10. At this stage, I’m not going to aim for a specific number, as I don’t think this will be productive at this stage of my experiment. Rather, I’ll try to reduce my wardrobe to loved, practical and versatile items and only add things from my specific list. Over time, this will reduce the number of things I own anyway. That said, I’ll keep an open mind on numbes, as I might find that limiting myself further helps me really commit later on.

Let’s get started

I’ll hopefully have a capsule wardrobe plan to share with you in the next post. I’ll my plan and give a summary of what my shopping list is going to be. From there, I’ll focus on learning to slow down and shop more ethically for the things I need. This will be tricky, as I’m definitely not a patient person!

Are you interested in trying a capsule wardrobe? If you’ve tried one before, do you have any tips or suggestions? Let me know in the comments.

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  1. […] two of the capsule wardrobe series is coming out next week. Refresh on part one, if you missed […]

  2. […] If you missed part one of this series, you can catch up here. […]

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