Enjoy summer warmth with The Mystery of the Blue Train

blue train

The last of my Agatha’s for a while, is The Mystery of the Blue Train. There is something about luxury train journeys that Christie really enjoys: several of her books and short stories take place on trains, including Murder on the Orient Express. So how will the Blue Train stack up?

Plot summary for the blue train

A wealthy American woman quarrels with her philandering husband before heading for the French Riviera with maid and jewel case in tow. But tragedy awaits on the luxurious Blue Train and Poirot is called upon to unravel the mystery abroad and at home.

Surprisingly bright for a murder

blue train

I was struck by the holiday spirit of this murder mystery. It breathed the warmth of a summer holiday, with references to the sun, sea and mimosa blossoms. I could vividly see the ladies in their large hats strolling about a warm and languorous France. Very relaxing. Which, when you consider the whole book focuses on murder and theft is no mean feat.

The warmth certainly endeared this book to me. I think I’d want to bring it out for a mid-winter read to banish any chilly doldrums. But it wasn’t, perhaps, the most thrilling or engaging of her mysteries. I felt that it was almost akin to travel fiction, rather than mystery. I was also a little disappointed by the outcome for the heroine, as it seemed to my regrettably pragmatic mind a finale heading for future disaster.

But then again, who reads murder mysteries for realism?

Apologies for the delay in the 23 in 2023 content, folks! Housing took precedence and I’ve been doing comfort re-reading, rather than embarking on new reads recently. However, I’m going to get back into it soon.

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