Baby, it’s cold outside!


Brrrr! Baby, it’s cold outside! I’m writing this wearing wool everything, my big coat, fingerless gloves and ugg boots I stole from my husband. This, despite the fact that the heater is on! Gosh, Australian houses and apartments are so poorly insulated. You just can’t keep them at a decent temperature.

But enough about that. I’m sorry I didn’t write the week three morning challenge post for you all. I got taken for a pretty rubbish ride on the hormone roller coaster and struggled to write. Or get up on time, for that matter. However, I’m hoping to get everything going again now, despite the siren call of my warm bed!

This weekend I’m off to a wedding and I’m beyond excited for it. I can’t wait to dress up and see everyone. The last two years have been pretty thin on the celebrations, so I’m loving the opportunity to shimmy with some of my favourite people.

What are you doing on this cold weekend?

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