What’s your guilty pleasure?


When things are stressful, dull or confusing, what guilty pleasure do you turn to?

For me, it’s a dinner in front of the television with some fluffy show. Recently, we’ve been watching the Voice which is great fun. Some nights I’ll pull out the little fold out tables and we’ll eat our dinner on the couch while watching. It’s incredibly lazy and I know it’s not the healthiest thing.

But that’s what makes it my guilty pleasure! When I’m running late with dinner, it’s just nice to veg out with it over a show. Especially one that gets my husband and I bantering with each other. We’ve recently made a ‘one screen’ rule, so we’re not allowed to use our phones when we’re watching television together. It’s made a huge difference to how much we enjoy the shows we’re watching. We talk about what we’re watching, banter and snuggle so much more than when the phone is around to distract us.

Apart from the fact that it’s easier than setting the table, there’s just something fun about it. We rarely atet with television growing up, so it feels like a weekend treat when I do. I just have to be careful not to let too many nights become tv dinner nights! Another reason my dream home has a separate dining room somewhat far from the living room …

What’s your guilty pleasure? Let me know!

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