In search of the perfect blazer


Every year, when the summer heat begins to fade, my mind turns to cold weather outfits. I am in love with boots and midi skirts. I love cosy jumpers, scarfs and classic coats. My beret gets to make an appearance again. Every year, I begin the search for the perfect blazer. The one which will go with everything, that fits perfectly and screams classic style. And every year, I fail in my quest.

What I’m looking for


Nice, but too long

I’d really love it to be wool. Not only is it more sustainable, but it will be properly warm and wear beautifully. Of course, one has to be careful it isn’t scratchy, especially around the neck. Open to blends with a high wool content (50%>), and must be lined.

I also want it to be checked. Perhaps a check in warm browns and blacks, like a autumn hug. Or maybe a black/white/grey check, which reads more neutral and might suit my complexion a little more. Either way, I think a checked blazer gives a bit more vintage flair to an outfit, especially if you’re wearing jeans or plain long skirts on repeat.

The dream blazer will have full length sleeves, none of this sewn in ruching or 3/4 business. It will have a single breasted closure, with 2-3 buttons. You know, so it can actually be buttoned and still look good. I’m open to length, but I think it should hit either just past my waist at the top of the hip, or just at my waist. I lean more to the longer fit, as it would work better with pants, but could still work with the right skirt/dress combo.

Another thing that I struggle with is the tenancy for everything to be straight cut and oversized these days. I don’t mind my dream blazer having a bit of softness. But I would love it to have a touch of tailoring, so it doesn’t overwhelm my smaller top half. This is usually where the quest falls down. Everything is great, but the fit is just too roomy.

Have you found this holy grail blazer?


Lovely, but a little too loose

I probably shouldn’t presume that you agree with my taste being the ultimate in blazers! But I’d love to know if you’re a blazer wearing gal and if so, where you found your favourite. I’m planning to head out to second hand shops once I’m back on my feet and see what I can find there. Often the older, more tailored styles are hidden away in op shops. Sadly, I’m finding slimmer and slimmer pickings these days. I guess it’s good more people are going second hand, but I miss feeling like the only one who knew of the treasure trove.

This is the item on my capsule wardrobe list that constantly eludes me. But perhaps this will be the year when I finally find it!

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