An iso birthday and surgery prep

Happy Friday all! Mixed feelings as we finish the week for me. Preparing for surgery means three days of isolation, including my birthday this weekend. I have to say I’m a little down about that. But at the same time, I’m so keen to get this surgery out of the way. Hopefully it will give us some answers on our infertility journey. I really just want to get this one over and done with!

While I’ll be setting aside some fun time, most of the weekend will be spent preparing meals and cleaning the house. I have no idea what recovery will be like, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be keen to cook or vacuum for a few days at least. Using my bone broth to make comforting soups and preparing some healthy smoothies too.

So, with disappointment, nerves and a little bit of relief, I’m heading into the weekend. How irritating that infertility can even get involved in a birthday! Maybe I’ll need to put on this song and rage dance around the kitchen. That said, I am also feeling blessed to get this surgery done and have a bit of time to relax beforehand. Mixed feelings all round really.

What’s on for your weekend? Any tips for surgery recovery?

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1 Comment

  1. […] Everything is healthy and as it should be. That is the main question that we wanted answered out of this surgery. It’s certainly a blessing to know that there’s nothing wrong. It has made recovery […]

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