How to make going back to work less daunting

back to work

Back to work today for me. We came back from our holiday yesterday, and I’m hoping to give you a little travelogue next week on where we went. It was loads of fun having a whole week to explore new places, but it does making coming back to work even harder when you’ve just left the mountains and beaches behind!

I usually find going back to work a drag, but I’m trying to find ways to make it a bit easier and set myself up for success. I’ve pulled together a few things that seem to be working and thought I’d share in case you too are finding it hard to get back to the grindstone.

Clear your to do list before you go on leave

back to work

This one is something you do have to get onto ahead of time, so sorry if this comes too late to help you this year. Before the Christmas break, I took time to close out as many things as I could, and cleared my to do list as much as possible. This means I don’t have too many hangover items from last year to worry about.

It also means that those things which still need to be done are easy to see, as they’re not lost in a mass of 2021 loose ends. Coming in with a clean slate and a clear set of goals has definitely helped me feel more on top of things (thus far at least, it’s only day one!).

Fresh stationary and a clean desk will help you focus

back to work

I’m a big stationary fan, but I find it especially motivating when I’m back at work in the new year. A fresh notebook, a clean new planner and a tidy desk make me almost want to get down to business. I also make sure that my desk is clean, organised and attractive. This way it’s a pleasant place to sit and I enjoy spending time there.

Having my things tidy also helps keep my mind tidy. I simply can’t focus when there’s clutter, and studies show that isn’t just a preference! Give you workspace a tizzy and enjoy the extra concentration.

Time-block your calendar and allow time to think

back to work

This is something new I’m trying this year, and I’m looking forward to seeing how I go with it. The idea is to set aside periods of time in your calendar for focused project work, answering emails and even thinking. Yes, just thinking. Allowing this time to think through problems, strategise and plan can help you get more done and find innovative solutions.

It feels weird to block out time, and to defend it against meetings but I’m sticking with it. I’m asking people to put meetings outside my prime working hours and trying to ensure I’m not distracted while I’m working through problems. The thinking time feels weird, I must admit. We think that busy = productive, so someone taking time to think seems odd. However, I believe that this will help me really excel as I branch into more complex projects and roles, so I’m starting now.

What about you? Anything you do to get psyched for going back to work? Anything new you’re trying this yea

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1 Comment

  1. […] domestic travel feels like the way to go. We took off for a road trip along the south coast during the Christmas break and it was truly a beautiful place. We wended our way up the coast before heading inland to visit […]

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